The Present Perfect

Can you form the present perfect and use it with the adverbs just, yet and already?

Created on By Brent

Quiz: The Present Perfect

Can you form the present perfect? Do you know how to use the most common time expressions with the present perfect?  Try this quiz to check and see!

1 / 8

J.K. Rowling _____ many great novels.

2 / 8

Adam _____ here for 7 years.

3 / 8

We _____ the exam yet. Can we have more time?

4 / 8

--_____ to Dublin?  --No, but I'd like to go one day.

5 / 8

I _____ my homework. Can we watch a film now?

6 / 8

--Why don't you invite Tom?  --I _____ him.  He's going to come with Lisa.

7 / 8

-- _____ the table yet?  --Yes, Mum!  The dishwasher is loaded.

8 / 8

Patrick _____ in love before, but he's crazy about Samantha.

Your score is

The average score is 81%


See also: The present perfect versus the past simple (when you can and can’t use the present perfect).

For and Since

‘For’ and ‘since’ are often used with the present perfect. Can you use them correctly?

Created on By Brent

Quiz: For and Since

Can you use time expressions with 'for' and 'since'?

1 / 9

Can you hold on _____ a minute?  I need to finish this.

2 / 9

I've known Brenda _____ I was five years old.

3 / 9

Ryan's been playing the guitar _____ over 10 years. He's really good at it.

4 / 9

Chris!  I haven't seen you _____ ages!

5 / 9

Jack lived in Asia _____ 7 years before he moved to Spain.

6 / 9

I've been studying English ____ 2018.

7 / 9

Where did Janet go? She's been gone _____ 10 o'clock.

8 / 9

We have gone there on holiday ______ I was a child.

9 / 9

I've made lots of new friends _____ I moved to my new school.

Your score is

The average score is 0%
