Demostrative adjectives

Demostrative adjectives (this/that, these/those) are introduced at the A1-A2 level, but many intermediate students make mistakes with them. In English, there are 4 demostrative adjectives:


One common error on the writing exam is to forget about plurals. Take this quiz to check your knowledge.

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Demostrative adjectives

Exam candidates often make mistakes with demostratives.  Do you know the difference between this, that, these and those?

1 / 9

Whose is ____ bag here?

2 / 9

I think the manager is ____ man over there who's wearing the blue jacket.

3 / 9

Many students suffer from exam anxiety.  The reason for ____ is that they focus on the mark instead of the learning process.

4 / 9

____ students who want to sit the First Certificate should sign up by the 15th of this month.

5 / 9

Spending too much time on social media can distract young people from their schoolwork, make them more socially distant and even cause anxiety and insomnia. For ____ reasons, parents should talk to them about their use of the internet.

6 / 9

Don't eat all ____ chocolates yourself.  Pass them around.

7 / 9

____ houses up on the hill are really expensive.  They have beautiful views of the city.

8 / 9

--"Can I help you?"  --"Yes, I was wondering if you have ____ trousers here in a smaller size."

9 / 9

Most of us decide that we should exercise for an hour.  ____ is why it is sometimes difficult to start an exercise sesson.  A 10-minute walk or session of simple exercises at home is easier to do.

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The average score is 67%


Helpful links: (1) This, that, these and those, (2) It, this and that in paragraphs.